WELCOME TO BLACKWOLF RUN in Kohler Wisconsin-where views of the Seboygan River are being reopened along the River and Meadow Valley golf courses. But nestled in between the golf holes of the Meadow Valley Course, comes the latest from Kohler. ______________________________________________________________________

THE GOG BLOG by RORY SPEARS, Director of Content and Creation for Golfers on Golf. Follow Rory on Twitter @GogBlogGuy, and on Facebook or LinkedIn. On the 3rd hole at Whistling Straits in Haven Wisconsin.
EVERYTHING in the Kohler Wisconsin area is not happening at Whistling Straits.
Yes the Ryder Cup is still coming, and will in late September of 2021. But before the matches tee off, the will be even more to enjoy, as the warmth of summer arrives in Kohler come next June.
“The Bath’s” are coming. Well of course they are, and they will be found but where-else, on the golf course, which is now par for the course when it comes to Kohler Golf.
There have been many inspired creations at Destination Kohler in recent decades, and not just located on the plumbing side of the company. If one wants to keep the hospitality side of Kohler in modern times, you need a little inspiration.
Work continues on The Baths middle holes on the Meadow Valley golf course.
Director of Golf Dirk Willis had a plan that never made it to the first tee before he left Kohler for a Short-while, and worked the golf business in California. When Willis got a mulligan and returned to Kohler, once again he tried to sell Kohler Chairman Herb Kohler on the idea of a par 3 golf course. A concept that was growing at golf destinations around the world. This time he succeeded. But Kohler suggested to Willis that they take the plan another step further, Kohler’s vision was to keep with the history and tradition of Kohler’s plumbing products, and include the concept into a new golf course.
How does one do just that. Simple. Build “The Baths”. Kohler’s current four championship golf courses were all built and designed by the legendary Pete Dye. How the late Dye, who passed away earlier this year would have worked Kohler’s “Baths” idea into a planning of a new par 3 course, might have even left Pete scratching his head. Dye likely would have said,” now I’ve seen it all.”
Over the years it’s not been uncommon to see golfers have their golf balls or clubs go for a swim, or even golfers themselves take a swim trying to retrieve a golf ball. Now Kohler golf takes the idea of going for a swim on a golf course to a new level.
Instead of looking for new land to create the project on, Willis suggested getting more use out of land that Kohler Company already owned. So a search began, but the idea was to keep this project as close as possible to the resorts hotels, and the clubhouse at Blackwolf Run. When some acreage was discovered in between two holes on Meadow Valley Course last summer, where the project could be fit, things got rolling.
Willis admits the project has turned into more than he planned in the beginning, but he loves Kohler’s idea, and is anxious to see the entire project when it’s up and running next June.
CLICK HERE to hear the interview regarding “The Baths” project with Kohler Director of Golf, Dirk Willis.
While the two baths are in action with both swimmers or bathers, the 10 golf holes can be shifted so that those in the water won’t have to be ducking bad golf shots. The sandy bottom should provide comfortable walking area’s through the water, that will vary in depth in different area’s of the baths.
The 10 new par holes are strong enough says Willis that they “could get fit into any of our current championship Pete Dye golf courses.” Working with Willis and Herb Kohler Jr. is long time Dye associate design Chris Lutzke, who reads Kohler’s idea’s just like Dye would have done is his day, according to observers.

The new putting green can entertain numerous golfers all at once. Photo reflects only part of the overall size.
The par 3 holes and the baths are just part of this project. Groups can reserve part of or the entire area for several hours of the day. The area will have a “Northern Wisconsin style” log cabin that’s being purchased and relocated to the property, for guests to get food and beverage, or needed golf supplies. As night sets in, the entertainment options can change.
Near the first tee and as one walks from the 10th green, is the massive putting green that gives golfers plenty of room to putt, and putt, and putt. Golfers of all-ages will enjoy the big practice green, that does not yet have a name.
Willis says that junior golfers can play for free when accompanied by a paying adult, and it’s likely that plenty of junior golfers will enjoy the chance to putt around this green, that’s much bigger than any miniature golf course hole they have played before, or the putting green at their home course. A daily rate that will be under $100 dollars, can be a part of any golf package guests might purchase once area opens.
The picturesque views along the Sheboygan River from the River Course and Meadow Valley Course, along with the Blackwolf Run clubhouse are returning. After letting trees and the natural flavor of the river valley grow and mature for years, Herb Kohler has decided to re-open the views along the river that he felt were an important part of both courses. These views were visible shortly after the original course construction was completed in the late 1980’s.
For more details on “The Baths” regarding golf, swimming, putting and booking your group into “The Baths” for a private event, visit DestinationKohler.com. Or view additional photo’s on Facebook-Rory Spears Page, or on Twitter @GogBlogGuy.