HERITAGE OAKS GOLF CLUB on Dundee Road in Northbrook, will still be open for another month of outdoor golf. So as the temperatures warm up for the rest of the week come out and play. Because it’s not simulator season just yet. 27 holes of golf and a Trackman Range, one of the area’s best. Heritage Oaks will be represented at the Year-End Golf sale at Twin Orchard CC in Long Grove, November 16-18. But for more details on Heritage Oaks Golf Club, the year end Turkey Shoot. The off season simulators, and the Acorn Grill. Visit HeritageOaksGC.org or you can call the club at (847)-291-2351.

STACY LARSON from Twin Orchard Country Club in Long Grove (L) operates the Year End Golf Sale November 16-18. Great deals on golf apparel and merchandise. Rory Spears Golfers on Golf (R).
ONCE BITTEN-and that’s all it took.
So if you see me shooting webs like Peter Parker, it’s because it appears I was the victim of a very poisonous spider bite.
One that has K-O’D me and Gog Blog for almost three weeks. But this on the heels of a nasty sinus infection, that traveled to my lungs and had me sick for almost a month. So you get over one thing almost, and then cleaning out a range shed for a new floor a couple of days later and then bug bite strikes. Multiple doctor visits yes, but a near stay in the ER for 24 hours was barely avoided. The 4th drug I’m taking is finally working.
I AM STILL not 100% healed from the bite, that has left my left arm swollen and burnt. Three fingers on my left hand still do not work at 100%. But I am gaining on it, little-by-little each day. So I am still not ready to crank-copy every day as I normally do. But I will start getting out what I can, when I can.
IT WAS GREAT TO HEAR FROM STACY LARSON about the upcoming Year End Golf merchandise sale she operates in November at Twin Orchard Country Club. This is one of the best sales on golf items you will find anywhere in the Chicago area. November 16-17 from 9Am to 8 Pm, and then on Saturday Nov. 18 from 9 Am to 5 Pm. So start spreading the word and I will see you in Long Grove next month.
OWGR THE FORMER OFFICIAL WORLD GOLF RATINGS. OWGR is clueless and now no longer worth following, they are insignificant in the world of golf. So OWGR rate everyone-or-nobody.
There is plenty to catch up on, and when I get back to 100%, there will be plenty of stories to see right here. I’m glad to be back, at least once and a while anyway. RS