THE GOG BLOG-by Rory Spears, Director of Content and Creation. Follow Rory on Twitter @GogBlogGuy and LinkedIn or Facebook and Instagram. The Tinley Park Golf Show Feb.7-8-9. Doors open at Noon on the 7th. Buy tickets now online at Tinleyparkconventioncenter.net. $5.00 on Friday, $10.00 on the weekend.

THE PODCAST of the 2020 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando.

The review by the Hall of Famer Len Ziehm, of Len Ziehm on Golf, and Rory Spears of Golfers on Golf.

Live or maybe a Memorex recording, from the Len Ziehm recording studio’s in beautiful Port St. Lucie Florida.

Len and Rory both attended the 2020 PGA Show last week in Orlando. Both were at the cold and windy demo day on the driving range at the Orange County Golf Center. Then both spent two full days walking the Orange County Convention Center floor checking out all the golf products.

Who had a great show, who didn’t. What did Len and Rory find that got their interest.

What was amazing is how the show keeps growing. It was just a few years ago the show hit 40,000 badges extended to show-goers. This year a record breaking 43,800+ attendees has badges to attend the show.

Click here to here the Podcast of Rory Spears and Len Ziehm recap the biggest show in golf. “A golf business major.”


THE MISTWOOD GOLF DOME on Rt.53 in Bolingbrook, is your winter home for golf in Chicago. Checkout both Toptracer and McWethy’s Sports Bar a place for great food and beverage, and to watch all the sports action. See Mistwoodgolfdome.com, get your game tuned up by the Mistwood professional staff while your there.

RORY and LEN enjoy some Pinehurst Brewery “Lateral Hazard Brew” made in Pinehurst, while recording the podcast in PGA Village. Try some, there is NO Penalty.

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About Rory Spears

Rory spent over 8 years growing up working at Rob Roy Golf Club in Prospect Hts.IL, then two years at Chevy Chase in Wheeling. He has covered golf in Chicago since 1986. Rory was one of the initial members of WSCR all-sports radio Chicago and covered golf there for 5 seasons, before moving on to work for ESPN/Sportsticker and ESPN Radio. In addition to hosting Golfers on Golf Radio on WNDZ AM 750 Chicago, and formerly Chicagoland Golf. Rory has played 589 courses in 39 states, and rates golf courses. He does golf course management and communications consulting, within the golf industry.