THE SCHAUMBURG GOLF CLUB has the simulators open, with new courses for the upcoming indoor golf season ahead. #Bethpageblack #coloradogolfclub or why not play next years Ryder Cup venue Whistling Straits in Haven/Kohler Wisconsin. Currently today the outdoor course/range are closed. or (847)-885-9000, located at 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg. THE NEW CLUBHOUSE work is continuing at the Preserve at Oak Meadows, and while the Preserve is ready to shut down. Weather permitting-Maple Meadows will remain open. See        ______________________________________________________________________

THE GOG BLOG by RORY SPEARS-Director of Content and Creation Follow Rory on Twitter @GogBlogGuy and on Facebook or Linkedin. Putting with a John Deere tractor at the John Deere Classic at TPC Deere Run.

THE SMALL MARKET Tournament that just keeps on giving.

It’s so amazing how the John Deere Classic, in maybe the PGA Tour’s smallest market just keeps raising record amounts of money and for hundreds of charities.

Or shall we say, charities. Besides the fact that, 542 local Quad City and regional charities came away with a donation from the championship.

Because the game of golf supports so many charities, it’s more than just a game or a sport. The PGA Tour and all of it’s tournaments help out so many people. But the John Deere Classic continues to amaze, as it helps the big picture on a big scale.

$13.82 Million Dollars. Many of the so-called bigger tournaments on the PGA Tour, wish they had a charity donation number that large.

John Deere Classic Tournament Director Clair Peterson speaks on Media Day 2019.

“The John Deere Classic is so thrilled to announce, that the tournament has helped raise $13.82 million for 542 deserving charities in 2019,” said tournament director Clair Peterson.

“Everyone involved with this charitible mission is proud and very appreciative of the individual donors. In additon to the companies, and local foundations who made the 2019 charitible total the largest in tournament history.”

So with the 2019 totals added. The John Deere Classic has raised a total of $120.87 million for charity, since the tournaments inception in 1971. $118.32 million-98% of the total amount, has been raised since John Deere became the title sponsor in 1998.

The TPC Deere Run Golf Course.

The John Deere Classic now ranks third on the PGA Tour, in charitible giving.

The tournaments charity-arm, Birdies for Charity. Which monitors the birdie total for JDC week, has announced the winning total this year as 2,091 Birdies.

After todays press conference, John Deere gave away a two-year lease on a Lexus NX. To one of the five finalists who picked the correct amount of birdies.

“Birdies for Charity is extemely grateful that Lexus of Quad Cities, has made a strong commitment to the John Deere Classic. Plus the hundreds of charities we serve in the Quad City area, and neighboring communities,” said Birdies for Charity director Kristy Ketcham-Jackson.

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About Rory Spears

Rory spent over 8 years growing up working at Rob Roy Golf Club in Prospect Hts.IL, then two years at Chevy Chase in Wheeling. He has covered golf in Chicago since 1986. Rory was one of the initial members of WSCR all-sports radio Chicago and covered golf there for 5 seasons, before moving on to work for ESPN/Sportsticker and ESPN Radio. In addition to hosting Golfers on Golf Radio on WNDZ AM 750 Chicago, and formerly Chicagoland Golf. Rory has played 589 courses in 39 states, and rates golf courses. He does golf course management and communications consulting, within the golf industry.