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THE GOG BLOG by RORY SPEARS, with a full set of Callaway Woods. The Epic Driver and Steelhead Fairway Woods.. Follow Rory on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter @GogBlogGuy.
This time of year for many years Wrigley Field sat quiet, that hasn’t been the case now for three straight years.
Last year was the end of the draught, with the Cubs winning their first World Series in 108 years.
But wouldn’t it be nice that once the season ended, or maybe during a break during the season, that Wrigley Field like Petco Park in San Diego could be come a nine hole golf course.
Petco Park which is no longer needed for baseball this year with the Padres season over, has created a nine hole course inside the park with the help of Callaway Golf. Now that is a wonderful idea, and it’s one that would sell very well here in Chicago.
One would think that with the Cubs and the Ricketts family always looking for alternative revenue streams, that the Links at Wrigley could raise countless bucks.
What about the divots you say? Well that’s no big deal, mats are an option in the tee boxes but hopefully it would not come to that. After all, a golf course sure trumps the idea of having another Zach Brown Band, (or ZBB as some call it) concert at Wrigley that already tear’s up the outfield grass.
As someone who has hit a few golf balls in Wrigley Field it’s a lot of fun. For a special exhibition during BMW Championship week a few years ago, BIG 3 partner Len Ziehm and I hit a few balls from a tee set up in the right field bleachers to a make shift green in the left field corner. Some witnesses says my second shot won the closest to the pin contest, although for the sake of the contest, PGA Tour pro Dustin Johnson was the announced winner over a few other celebs in the competition.
One would think that historic baseball venues would make great short courses. Fenway, Yankee Stadium, Dodger Stadium, maybe PNC Park in Pittsburgh. All great venues.
If fall continues to be an issue on the Northside, maybe the Cubs can have a nice 10 day road trip before or after the All-Star break that would allow for mid-summer golf at the Friendly Confines. A tee box in the bleachers would be a great idea, or the upper deck. For those who like some elevation change on their course, Wrigley could sure have that.
The Cubs oval offices at Wrigley Park are done, and so is the home team’s clubhouse. But there is still the press box and visiting clubhouse that need major overhauls. Mr. Ricketts, here’s the idea to pay off both of your projects. Your welcome. RS