DSC05886 the halfway house DSDSC03646 Links and tees dome DS  THE HALFWAY HOUSE, at 555 S. York Road in Elmhurst next to HB Jones is the place for indoor simulator golf, daily specials including today Friday Gamble event. You can play over 90 courses from around the world. So play as a single, bring your foursome, get a lesson or join a league. Book your tee time today at (331)-642-8050 ro online at THE AWARD WINNING LINKS & TEE’S is one of the few year round golf facilities in the Chicago area, come for lessons from the staff of teaching professionals, or just get your swing ready for the outdoor season ahead. Call Links & Tee’s at (630)-233-7275 or online visit The dome is open.       ______________________________________________________________________

DSC03287 Rory at Shinnecock DS

The Gog Blog by Rory Spears, Editor and Director of Content. Follow Rory on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter @GogBlogGuy. At Shinnecock Hills Golf Club in South Hampton NY.

In another great piece of news for the golf industry in the Chicago area, the Prairie Landing Golf Club in West Chicago has a new lease on life.

The club has just received word that it will not be closing this year or even anytime soon.

Reported here last fall was the POSSIBILITY that Prairie Landing would close at some point in 2016 or shortly beyond.

That is no longer true. A plan to bring a new business facility onto the land where Prairie Landing is located, is now off the table and that company is staying put in it’s current location. Prairie Landing plans to be a golf course for many years to come.

clubhouse riverPL hole 2-0027 DS  The Prairie Landing Clubhouse in West Chicago. The 2nd hole at Prairie Landing, with new chipping area on side of green.

Click here to hear the interview with JR Starnes the Golf Operations Manager at Prairie Landing, on the future of the golf course.

Prairie Landing is located at 2325 Longest Drive in West Chicago. Call (630)-208-7630 for more information, or visit

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About Rory Spears

Rory spent over 8 years growing up working at Rob Roy Golf Club in Prospect Hts.IL, then two years at Chevy Chase in Wheeling. He has covered golf in Chicago since 1986. Rory was one of the initial members of WSCR all-sports radio Chicago and covered golf there for 5 seasons, before moving on to work for ESPN/Sportsticker and ESPN Radio. In addition to hosting Golfers on Golf Radio on WCPT AM820 Chicago, he writes for both the Chicago District (CDGA) Magazine, and formerly Chicagoland Golf. Rory has played over 525 courses in 39 states, and rates golf courses. He does golf course management and communications consulting, within the golf industry.