OLIVA SAYS WELCOME TO THE DOME BAR-Right in the center of the Shell. So while the winter season continues, come out to the Mistwood Golf Dome located on Rt. 53 in Bolingbrook. Toptracer Golf, golf lessons, club fittings. While you are there stop in and enjoy food & drinks at McWethy’s Sports Bar. Mistwoodgolfdome.com (630)-739-7600.

RORY SPEARS on the Karoo Course at Cabot Citrus Farms in Brooksville Florida, now open for preview play. Photo by John Billiter. Cabotcitrusfarms.com.
ONE OF THE BIG WEEKS for the PGA of America, is this weeks PGA Merchandise Show.
IT IS A MAJOR in the world of golf. SO IF YOUR NOT HERE, you are missing out. Taking a step back, or being left behind in the business.
Because for many companies, that have spent months or even years, working and developing new lines or products. This becomes their stage to show you what they got, and what you could have in your bag or pro shop.

The Schaumburg Golf Club simulators are open are you ready to tee it up. 401 North Roselle (847)-885-9000. Schaumburggolf.com.
BUT ONE OF the main things are the networking that comes from this show. The chance to meet all the right people who work in various forms of the golf industry, this is the best chance to find them.
The crazy thing is. The merchandise show can play like a really fast round of golf.
No slow play here, because so much is happening so quickly, there is normally not enough time to see everything you want so to see. Many reunion conversations are on walk ways between the booths, as people run into people they know. New golf industry relationships are formed here, that last for years or a lifetime.

THE NEW PUTTING GREEN is open at the Shack. The new simulators aren’t far behind. Thegolfshack.com or call and book a bay at (847)-904-2905.
DEMO DAY TODAY-starts it’s all off at the Orange County National golf range.
So here is your chance to hit the clubs, of your choice.
Do some putting outside on the big mats. But there is more. Some golf groups have booths there. Most years demo day is fun in the sun and a chance to hit some new clubs.
Because you can do plenty at demo day, it’s hard to believe there are more options the next two days in the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC).

The Willow Hill Dome-1350 Willow Road in Northbrook. Willowhilldome.com Golf hours in Chicago’s largest dome are 8a to 3 p daily. Lessons available with Bob and Kim Dickman.
DEMO DAY and the next three days are more than just hitting balls.
There are fashions plenty of fashions, by new and old to check out. So one of the things I’m anxious to see to the new version of Chicago based Golftini for Men.
Because Golftini founder and creator Susan Hess is one of the most creative people I’ve seen in the golf design world.
Hess has nailed it on the women’s fashion side, now let’s see how she did with men’s wear. But I do suspect one or more of here three-son’s might be involved here.
BUT SOME OF THE things that are worth watching, is show attendance. So will it go up again this year, as it bounces back from the pandemic. Then it’s which companies are here, and which ones are not. Those that are not here, do get left being on the industry.
So build your network, build your membership or customer base. Sherry Major and the tea, do a great job of putting the show together, lets go enjoy. Because it’s showtime. RS.