THE SCHAUMBURG GOLF CLUB 401 North roselle Road just minutes from Woodfield Mall has now opened it’s simulators after facility improvements were completed. So book a bay and come out and play The Schaumburg Golf-winter version and other top courses. The pro shop is open with everything you need for the 2024 golf season. So visit or call the pro shop at (847)-885-9000. Then enjoy Chandlers Chophouse right upstairs or have food and drinks brought down the simulator area.
THE GOG BLOG by RORY SPEARS, Director of Content and Creation for Golfers on Golf. Follow Rory on Twitter @GogBlogGuy or connect-LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram.
(Writing from the Pinehurst Resort-Home of the 2024 U.S. Open)
SO FAR THE WINTER GOLF TRIP feels more like winter than you want it to be. But when the greens are covered with tarps in Pinehurst, what do you do?
You go shopping in downtown Pinehurst, or right next door in Southern Pines. Both towns are full of great little shops and boutiques. But since most golfers enjoy a great beverage after golf, beer or wine are popular choices, you look for places where you can find some of that.
But since some places can be harder to find that others, you do have to know where to look. So if your headed this way for a golf trip, or to attend the U.S. Open in June. I have found you a place to get a little bit of both beverages-SRO. So how did I find Standing Room Only. A real small store at is 75 square feet of space, and has nowhere to sit, well almost.

Pat McKee (L) and Waukegan Illinois native Manny Samson (R) operate Standing Room Only. Two blocks from the Southern Pines train station.
Well sometimes you need a good public relations (PR) person.
Owner Pat McKee didn’t have to look far to find one, his wife Janeen Driscoll-McKee heads up PR for the United States Golf Association (USGA).
So both will be very busy about June, when the U.S. Open comes to Pinehurst.
Fortunately for Pat McKee, his partner Manny Samson can help carry the bag-or in this case the bottle.

The Shack is expanding. With 4 new simulators and a putting green. Bring a group and enjoy the new Shack at 1717 Chestnut Avenue in Glenview (847)-904-2905 or visit Space is going quickly for group events on special sports date that are coming. So book your bay today.
McKee comes from a restaurant background, and decided to try “going small” for a change.
But so far-small has been a big success for SRO. Pricing for what SRO carries, is some ways small as well.
McKee tells a story about being in Pittsburg around the holidays, and finding a bottle he sells for $26, in a Pittsburgh wine store selling for $75.
But now comes another good thing about SRO. When the weather is nice, you can sit down, on the front sidewalk in front of SRO. Because there is room for several outdoor table with chairs-for “wine garden seating.”
While wine is the main “cellar” at SRO, there are other choices.
That do include beer from a local distillery on tap, and some, bubbly type drinks.
The SRO mimosa poured by Manny is really good.
So when you need a beverage place to shop at, in the Pinehurst-Southern Pines area-Do visit SRO which can be found at 127 SW Broad St. in Southern Pines, (919)-422-7215.

THE WILLOW HILL GOLF DOME 1350 Willow Road in Northbrook. See Golf hours 8a to 3p.
You bet it is. But there is no reason to call off the winter indoor golf season.
Because the biggest golf dome in the Chicago area is open.
Which is the Willow Hill Golf Dome owned by Illini alum Kent knebelkamp.
Whose plans for golf on the hill will continue. So stay tuned and you can visit