THE SCHAUMBURG GOLF CLUB (L) is fully open for the 2021 golf season. Inside in the simulators and all 27 holes outdoors, because outdoor golf season has arrived. So call (847)-885-9000 or visit MISTWOOD GOLF CLUB (R) in Romeoville is open on Wednesday for outdoor golf. But even better news is that on cold-rainy, and windy days you can still hit in the Mistwood Golf Dome in Bolingbrook. Call the course at (815)-254-3333 or call the dome (630)-739-7600 McWethy’s is open.  ______________________________________________________________________

THE GOG BLOG by Rory Spears, Director of Content and Creation for Golfers on Golf. Follow Rory on Twitter @GogBlogGuy. In the WCPT Studio, Am 820.

GOLFERS ON GOLF RADIO needs a Mulligan.

So it wasn’t a bad opening drive. Because we didn’t get to hit one, yet.

But no sooner, did we talk about the show returning this Saturday April 3rd.

New options presented themselves that allowed us to return back from WNDZ-AM 750 to our home last year, WCPT-AM 820. But our tee time is 6 hours later at 4 Pm on Saturday afternoons.

But the good news is there is some positive to the later start. All of the show hosts have time to get in 18 holes before airtime. Just kidding. But even more so-is that the show will be live during the Saturday 3rd Round’s of the PGA Tour, and during the late start times for television at this years majors. The West Coast U.S. Open will probably finish long after dark here in Illinois, and after the late news on the East Coast.

So another option that has presented itself to Golfers on Golf, is that station management has asked us to stay on all year. What do you think golfers ? Should we try and do it. But we do have time to think about that at least.

Ed Stevenson-Bill Berger-Len Ziehm and I, all return for 2021, and we are glad to be back. Hopefully our 2021 shows will be as solid as they were last year. So stay clicked in for more about Golfers on Golf Radio. But in the meantime, Ziehm & Spears podcasts will continue weekly to keep the golf community up to speed on all the birdies and bogeys and then some.

ALL OF US AT GOLFERS ON GOLF send our best wishes for a quick clean up at major championship venue Shoal Creek in Alabama. Because the golf course was hit hard by a recent tornado and has an excessive amount of damage. The video taken from a drone is heart breaking.

IT’s GOOD TO SEE that some of the top courses in the area are getting ready to open for the year. It’s a sign that spring-summer and golf season are right around the corner. One of those signs is that the “pins are in” on our local neighborhood golf course. The Par-3 Nickol Knoll Course, set on-top of Payton’s Hill and run by the Arlington Heights Park District, and those pins were in on Saturday. Always a great sign.

EASTER WEEKEND is coming up, have you booked a brunch at your favorite golf club yet ? Cog Hill and White Deer Run do it right here in the Chicago area. While Mission Inn Resort is among the best places to go in Florida.

WHILE DOWN IN FLORIDA, Len Ziehm and I caught up with Rich Harvest Farms owner Jerry Rich, who is ready to start getting his Rich Harvest Farms together for the Arnold Palmer Cup in June. Our interview with Jerry Rich will post this week. Hopefully golf fans will come out to RHF to see the teams of both men and women play this years Arnold Palmer Cup.

TOMORROW BULL VALLEY GOLF CLUB owner Gary Rabine will kick off his run for Governor of Illinois. If your a golfer from Illinois you should support Rabine. He can brings changes that Illinois needs. Plus having a golfer in the governors chair would be good for the Land of Lincoln.

MORE GREAT NEWS FOR CHICAGO GOLFERS. Southwest Airlines has announced it’s adding 10 cities (most of them from the Midwest) that will add non-stop flights to Myrtle Beach. But there is more ! how about your clubs and golf bags FLY FREE. For more details see or visit Myrtle Beach Golf websites. The twice a day Chicago flights will leave from Midway (for now anyway). Hopefully O’Hare at some point. But there is no reason now not to get to Myrtle Beach, can we say World Amateur this August.

COMING UP THIS WEEK HERE, more on Streamsong Resort and a look at their 4 golf courses. The Mission Inn Resort located in Howey In The Hills Florida, complete with a Chicago based ownership. Plus more from Pinehurst and Southern Pines. Another one of the best communities for golf in America.

The Gog Blog returns tomorrow. RS

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About Rory Spears

Rory spent over 8 years growing up working at Rob Roy Golf Club in Prospect Hts.IL, then two years at Chevy Chase in Wheeling. He has covered golf in Chicago since 1986. Rory was one of the initial members of WSCR all-sports radio Chicago and covered golf there for 5 seasons, before moving on to work for ESPN/Sportsticker and ESPN Radio. In addition to hosting Golfers on Golf Radio on WNDZ AM 750 Chicago, and formerly Chicagoland Golf. Rory has played 589 courses in 39 states, and rates golf courses. He does golf course management and communications consulting, within the golf industry.